Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ramen is our main meal as of Labor Day

OK!! I told my mentor and dept chair and have a morning meeting with my principal (that's right I've been called down to the principal's office!). This is the last year in the near future that I will be teaching. It was a good 7 years with many ups and downs but it is time to hang up my chalk and try something new.

There are several reasons listed below in the best order I can put them in: (understand the order changes daily)
1) Pay. I wanted to live in Seattle, which has a higher cost of living than Chicago. In order to move here I took a HUGE pay cut.
2) Questionable respect for teachers. If only all members of society could be like my wonderful Aunt Susan. Not only is she volunteer of the year, she actually has her sons' teachers over for dinner every year!! Now, I do not expect dinner but a thank you from a parent or student more often than once a year would be nice. Again the pay factors in here also.
3) Teenagers. Need I say more here really? They have their good days and definitely their bad days and it is hard to ride on their roller coaster. It is a tough job to grade papers and give them bad news. :(
4) Sadly, math... it is a very challenging subject for people. Some days I truly feel like a jailer holding the students captive and forcing them to learn math one painful day after the next.

What will I miss??? Easy.
vacation days, the kids, and fellow teachers that never cease to have a good sense of humor about students.

I am feeling alive yet scared and hopeful that taking this risk will pay off and help me find whatever it is I'm looking for. Wish me luck!


Blogger Susan Sternberg said...

Lisa: Thanks for the props!! We do love our teachers in elementary school. For the recent Teacher Appreciation Week, our class gave C.J.'s fifth-grade teacher Starbucks and donuts Monday, flowers Tuesday, dinner (Pappas gift card and a cake) Wednesday, the movies (AMC and Hollywood Video cards plus candy, popcorn, and drinks) Thursday, and a small book (yet to be finished by me!) filled with notes of appreciation from the kids.

For both teachers (homeroom and switch class), the other room mom and I have collected $690 that she'll divide in half and buy gift cards for dinner, the mall, and the like.

But it's not like that in middle school, and I'm sure it's not like that in high school (we haven't been there yet).

Selfishly, I'm sad to see you leave teaching. We need more dedicated, motivated teachers like you have been! In Jake's three years in middle school, he's had two math teachers who were totally inept. How does that prepare him for algebra his freshman year? He'll probably have to be tutored.

But I do want my beloved niece to be happy, so I'll be rooting for you as you try the road less traveled.

Love, Aunt Susan

6:32 PM  

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