Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Where did the weekend go?

Friday I picked my Dad and Jeni (Step-Mom) up at the airport. After they checked in and relaxed a bit we grabbed dinner at an Asian Bistro by Becky's place.

There's no shortage of fabulous Asian restaurants in Seattle. Chris and I are completely addicted to a couple Thai places within walking distance! YUMMY... Is curry really that bad for you? Please say the coconut milk is the good kind of fat like avocado (avocados are ok right?) I don't care cuz I'm never ever giving up curry or guac! Chris mostly likes ordering as hot as he can handle it.

Anyhow, Friday we had a 9pm soccer game. The other team rolled us up and smoked us. It sucked. It was kind of fun I guess, in a "won't it be fun when the game is over?" kind of way. ok ya got me it wasn't that bad but it's fun to exaggerate.
Chris and I both took hard falls and got some scrapes. I was trying to stop the ball and tripped myself. yeah the only thing smooth about that was my volleyball roll move and all the dust on my ass. Chris thinks he bruised a rib. I'm enjoying trying to make him laugh.

Saturday was rainy so we did Seattle stuff and hung out. It was a super relaxing day. Sunday we went to the Ballard Locks and then the Fremont Market and had dinner at our place. I enjoyed the visit and was glad I didn't have to take them to the airport cuz I would've cried for sure. I miss family even though I love being here.

Oh one last thing, this is mostly for Brian W. and his parents. We finally bought a couch! We have to be the two pickiest individuals on the planet. I won't bore you with the details but we love it and there's plenty of room for anyone to crash!



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