Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Fun Friday

Happy Friday! This has to be the first Friday in a long time where I woke up and actually had that, "YEAH it's Friday" feeling! Previous Fridays I wasn't in a bad mood per se but it just felt like any other day.

Anyway, the main purpose of this blog is to give a big shout out to Jake! He tells me he actually checks our blog. Yo wat up Jake! I can't tell if people are out there reading this. Do I really care? Not too much honestly, but it makes me slightly self-conscious about how often I should bother blogging. If you are out there reading and feel like checking in to say "Hey" I'd love it! No pressure though really.

So the other day we stopped for groceries. yeah yeah zzzzzz We were buying some beer so the cashier carded me. She entered my bday into the register and proclaimed, "awe you don't look 27. I excitedly beamed back, "awe you're sweet but I'm really 31" (and mentally also grimmaced at the poor math skills and the fact that I felt oddly compelled to tell her the truth as if she needed to know)

This put her over the edge! She was like, "OMG you totally don't look 31! You are 31?! WOW you really don't look at all 31! I hope I look as good as you when I'm 31!" uh I get it I'm an old fart to you. thanks. digging a hole.

Well, fortunately this girl was a RIOT! She tells me how fabulous my skin is and that her Asian cousin has "fake tan orange skin and bleach blond hair." Quite a picture. She then continues to tell me about how to remove spray-on tans. I was laughing and crying all at the same time.

Just goes to show it's all perspective... this high school student comes in to class and turns 17 tomorrow. Another student yells, "WOW you'll be 17?! Already!? Wow... I mean." the birthday girl was like, "Thanks I'm not THAT old!" All perspective. There's always someone younger :)

ooh gotta run have a great weeeeekend!


Blogger YourMomCalled said...

yeah!!! :) People ARE reading! THanks all!

8:22 AM  

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