Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

This blog is naturally for Mom. I love you and miss you!!!!

This blog is also to explain our blog title "Your Mom Called."
Many many many years ago in college my friends and I would tell your mom jokes like they were going out of style. Eventually it led to friend and roomie CC and I making up and singing the dorkiest song about Your Mom. "Your Mama says you're ugly! And you know it's true!" It always just made me giggle - not sure why. I guess it was my equivalent of a good fart sound making someone giggle.

We grew more sophisticated and sneaky with our your mom jokes. CC would come in from class and ask if anyone called. I'd say, "oh yeah your mom called and left a message." She would naturally say, "what'd she say?" I'd respond with the straightest face I could muster, "You're ugly!" TEE HEE!!!
Since, we have annoyed the shit out of loved ones with our your mom called line. Fortunate coworkers have also had the pleasure of knowing their mom called.

When I open my cell phone it greets me with the message "Your Mom." I haven't stopped making your mom jokes. No, don't be silly. They continue to amuse me. In fact, my students slip them in every once in awhile and I have trouble continuing with class cuz I usually laugh so hard.

Know any good your mom jokes? BRING IT ON!

They are usually situational in which someone asks a question and the punchline answer is Your mom. Like someone walks in the room and says,
"ooh who stunk up the room?"
answer -- "Your mom!"

Your Mom Called



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