Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Chris' Birthday!

Yep, Chris turned 31 yesterday! The weather was awesome - 65 and sunny. After school we took Abbey for a hike and then grabbed dinner. Very relaxing, almost felt like the weekend!

He had a nice long chat with his sister Marcy and I pretended to set up the last week of our trip to Italy in August. We are going for three weeks. We need to decide a city to hang out in for two days before ending in Venice. Maybe I'll leave those two days up in the air and see where the road takes us when we get there. That's an idea... btw - nothing got planned.

Things are winding down at school. Washington schools start after Labor Day which means end late June. Try June 22! YIKES!

Today I somehow got roped into playing in the student-faculty soccer game. ummm hello I've played 5 games what up?? I told them I would strictly be a sub (and I don't mean permanent sub!) A couple students in my class asked me if I'm playing - hard to say no to students ya know.
Love and hugs


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