Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Monday, May 29, 2006

How come Long weekends are still short?

Thank you Veterans! True Seattle it rained most of the weekend off and on. (mostly on). Chris' close college buddy Al visited. He was the famous reader from our wedding. We had a fantastic time hanging out around town.

The tide is at an all time low so we went to the beach at the lowest tide time and checked out all the cool sea creatures. One proud dad caught a crab and was holding it for his son to check out. No surprise he was pinched within moments. He squealed louder than the kid :)

Then off to the annual NW Folklife Festival. Tons of live folk music and crafts and especially prime people watching. We ate lunch at Pyramid brewery so we didn't get to partake in the yummy smelling international flavors being offered.

Sunday was another fun relaxing day enjoying the beer and wine in Woodinville. Sunday night Becky and I met for dinner. It was quite a moment for me as it was my first official time trying sushi! She helped pick things that are pretty tame and it was cool to experience such a celebrated part of Seattle. We had spicy tuna, some kind of Ahi roll, and a salmon roll. It turned out I liked the spicy tuna best.

We caught up and talked about summer plans. B is signed up for a triatholon and comtemplating the STP bike ride (Seattle to Portland). It is 200 miles and you can do it in one or two days. We - Chris, B and I - are in on a trail course 10k race the end of June.

Chris and Al went to see Rev Co and Ministry play. You can find out what they thought of the concert from Chris (or Al) They met up with us at Becky's and had us laughing! So right as Chris drives Al to the airport the skies are clearing up and it is just beautiful out. Despite the gloomy weather Al claims he in for another visit someday. With that, anyone interested in checking out the very laid back, very damp, yet amazing northwest give us a call or email. We'd love to see ya.


Blogger Howie said...

I finally put your blog address in my "Bookmarks" so I don't have to keep bugging J-Mo for the address.

I don't have the answer to why long weekends are still short. That's one of the mysteries of life.

El Padre

11:14 AM  
Blogger YourMomCalled said...

Hey Dad! Great news! The good thing about a long weekend is a short week!

12:59 PM  
Blogger Howie said...

Yes, but somehow even the short week is still too long.

El Padre

2:25 PM  
Blogger YourMomCalled said...

time to retire!

2:47 PM  
Blogger YourMomCalled said...

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2:49 PM  

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