Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

pledge to blog more

It has been QUITE a long time since my last post! Yikes...

Well, an update is in order. I passed my first exam for Microsoft Database Developer Certificate the middle of January. I really have enjoyed a break from studying like a mad-woman for a little too long. It is to the point where I am long overdue to get back into serious studying to get ready for the next two remaining exams. Otherwise, school is going well and I have learned a ton.

In the month of February there was school and tutoring. Becky hosted an awesome birthday dinner party for me. She turned her apartment into an Italian cafe complete with white and red checked tableclothes and olive oil and chianti wicker wine bottles at each little table. It was cool.
February ended with my dad visiting. Lots of laughs and good ol' fashioned hanging out together. Busy yet quite relaxing.

March is here and started with another snow storm. It was the weather pattern that ended in the east with wild long-range tornados. Scary to hear about truthfully. The world is going to hell in a handbasket I tell you! What did I see the other day driving down the road? The new Ford F-650! Yes, 650! It was practically a semi!!! On the road with the TV inside going. yep, that's just what we need.

plans for the month - Rick Steves talk, St Patty's 5k Race!, Wine Night, Dinners with friends big fun

looking forward to: Trying to find someone to let me make them a database and web app (thinking my tutoring friend would be perfect!) and finishing school APRIL 10!!!


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