Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Monday, September 25, 2006

no job, no cry

Late September, the school year is well underway and I am still doing my own thing. There are definitely "About a Boy" moments where I look at a long unfilled day as units of time to occupy myself. Walk the dog 2 units. Do daily push ups and sit ups 2 units. Drink coffee and check email 5 units. Brush teeth 1 unit. Make chocolate covered pretzals 4 units. Check email again 3 units. Then somedays are pretty busy and I wonder where the time goes. Chris has been trying to help keep me busy with various errands but even those run out eventually. I suppose I could clean and organize... It just doesn't seem right. I can't change and forget who I am just cuz I have a little extra time ;) One thing that's for sure is I haven't cried yet. I take it as a sign that I haven't lost it completely yet. Classes start Oct 19. I'm sure a tear or two will fall within the first week if not day with the realization that I have a lot of work ahead of me.

I am tutoring math. I have picked up 4 hours per week tutoring some Geometry, Alg 2, and SAT. It is fabulous money and will help out so much in the coming months. Such a relief.

I finished reading Under the Banner of Heaven. I joined Becky's book club and it was this month's book. It was fascinating yet difficult to read. I can't believe how different the world is a few states away in the fundamentalist towns. Dad and Jeni recommended Skinny Dip and that is next on my list, not on the book blub list but oh well.

This Friday is wine night and Becky and I are hosting. That should be fun. We are featuring Sauvignon Blanc. I'm not a big white wine fan but I'm a trooper. Then Saturday night we are going to see Wicked. I am super psyched to see it. I have heard it is amazing. Wow I sound so cultured.

Big news flash as well, my dad turns 60 this Saturday. He visited last weekend and we sort of celebrated then. The next few weekends they are off to various fun fun places, Nashville for bluegrass festival and then Mexico for an Elder Hostel at Copper Canyon. Happy celebrating and Happy Birthday Dad!!!!


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