Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

8 blogless days later

In the midst of a four day heat wave in Seattle (I know I can't complain) and planning/running the three week Energy class at U Washington and our trip home and to Italy 8 days flew by. nothing super exciting to blog unfortunately.

Saturday we BBQd with friends in the evening (waited for the cool down). Everything was yummy. Everyone brought different microbrews from the area to sample. One thing for sure the Northwest knows how to brew awesome beer. This coming from a mostly retired beer drinker (sad to admit but true). I often feel like those commercials like the one where the guy is throwing away his beer straw helmut. The ad is for one of the Miller beers implying the guy throwing away the beer hat is growing up to a better beer. huh? Miller is a better beer than what? Schlitz? Natty Light? The Beast? Warm PBR? Don't get it plus I'm sure there are plenty of Miller beer drinkers everywhere in shock that the company would suggest ever parting with a beer helmut. Getting back, my story is a little different. I graduated to no longer being able to stomach large amounts of beer. Gin and Tonics are ok but still just not the same drive to drink. Guess college truly helped me get it out of my system.

Speaking of college... being back on a college campus has really gotten my thinking. I see these kids walking around campus with their heads in the books. I mean serious learning is going on. All I can think is man I really pissed away that time when I was supposed to be learning I don't know MATH and the other now fun sounding classes. I remember Geology 101, aka Rocks for Jocks. Did I learn about rocks? No I learned the phrase "blow off class" means easy not to literally blow it off. oops. So embarrassing. I wonder just how well I would've done if I actually tried. I mean tried like I see from my crazy students at Newport and Hinsdale High. Maybe even if I tried like Becky! hard to even imagine.

Never too late to learn I always say. Plenty of that come late October :) You bet your ass I'll take that seriously. Not only am I older and wiser, I'm paying.


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