Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Friday, July 10, 2009

the BIG day

This Saturday my big sis ties the knot! I'm thrilled for her! She has been engaged a little over a year and has worked her tail off thinking of every detail and plowing through to get it all done.
I admire her drive to do things well. It really makes me realize how different we can be. There are lots of things I would have let go as too much work that she takes on with ease.

For example, since the wedding is in Seattle and family is mostly in Chicago there are a lot of out of towners. So she planned a group outing to the Mariners game last night! WOW! It went off beautifully without a single hitch. Well, ok there was one hitch - we had the bright idea to try and bring out 4 month old to the game. He was terrified and cried the entire hour we were there. We got a dog and went to the outside tables to eat and feed him. He cried the entire time except the occasional stop to eat a little. Then stopped crying a little, we took him into the stadium to see everyone and he looked so scared we left within 3 minutes of sitting down. I'm not winning any parent of the year awards after that one. Live and learn. The only reason we tried in the first place was friends of ours with a 3 month old went to the game a few weeks earlier and they claim he slept through a couple innings and then they left. Not our Bear. I know everyone else had a wonderful time.

Today we our putting together the centerpieces at her house and then off to the rehearsal followed by dinner at their house. Tomorrow is the big day.

Sis I love you and wish you and your man years of happiness!