Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fast forward

Fast forward nearly two years! WOW! A lot has changed in my life and yet a lot is the same. I still have crazy curly hair and love to cook, laugh, and drink wine. I'm now 2 years into being a database developer. I'm now a mom! I have a 3 month old and he's just such a cutie. This week is my first week back to work following a 13 week maternity leave.

Well, three of my good friends are avid bloggers and I keep thinking about this blog and how much I enjoyed writing. I think it is more for my own enjoyment. I could continue to talk about the past but I'd much rather pick up in the here and now...

So this week is my first week back to work. It is weird I'll be honest but not as weird as I expected. I must admit, though, I have it lucky. Hubby has one more week of school and then he'll be off for the summer. My mom has agreed to watch Bear this week and my boss has agreed to let me work from home. It has been a great way to transition back to work. They have already given me plenty to do but I can take a little break here and there to cuddle the bear or just see how he's doing.

Next week and the rest of the summer I will be in the office three days a week and working from home two days a week. I am forever grateful my boss is cool. Hubby and Grandma will take turns watching Bear. I think I can do three days. I hope so anyway.

Bear is taking a nap right now. I am big time in love with that little guy. I must admit it didn't happen the moment he was born. When he was first born I was more in shock and fear than love. I kept thinking here's this little guy that I can screw up so completely. Maybe in addition to saving for his college I should consider saving for his counseling. The first week definitely did not help me shake that feeling. I remember the first night we brought him home hubby and I taking turns holding him and bouncing on a exercise ball until our thighs ached. Finally, we fell asleep on our huge bean bag LoveSac with Bear on our chest. I kept thinking how we are probably going to do everything wrong. Grandpa was in town and staying with my sister the whole week and came to visit everyday for a couple hours. I remember we were such complete zombies. It didn't help that I had huge nursing issues. It was a bittersweet moment when we decided to stop the insanity and switch to formula around the 10th day. I cried some everyday for a couple days and then somewhere in there I let it go.

Week 2 through 5 of Bear's life were great. My mother-in-law came for a week and whipped us into shape. Bear started sleeping in his cradle and we began to see a glimmer of an evening feeding schedule. That being, get up right when you started to fall asleep! WEek 3 my father-in-law came into town. Bear loved falling asleep on his chest. I called it GrandpaPedic. I mean the minute he held Bear he was out (sometimes so was Grandpa!). Hubby was home week 4 for spring break and my sister-in-law was out to help week 5. By then I had a rough idea of what I was doing. We had a great time. She got me solidly addicted to HGTV. That was trouble. I am still fighting the addiction to be honest. Luckily we are looking to buy a house so it has proven helpful. By the end of her visit I was sad she had to go but ready to try and take care of Bear on my own.

Week 6 was tough. I barely brushed my teeth or got to the bathroom on time and hubby would come home and ask what I did that day. I would reply, "um survived." After a couple days I did get into some form of a schedule. Sort of... I'm still working on it. Around week 9 we all flew to Chicago. I was hosting a Bachelorette Party and Bridal Shower for my sister and we wanted everyone to get to meet Bear. It was so strange to see people I haven't seen in 6 months but now I'm a mom. I feel the same but yet completely different.

I think around week 10 I finally started to get into a groove with Bear. He had been smiling for a couple weeks and is really active and strong. Each week he grows and learns more and more. I think around week 11 I knew that this kid had me wrapped around his little finger.

up oh week 13 and 6 days he just woke up from a nap and I must call it a day.


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