Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm a big fat lier

Well, here it is over three months later and I'm finally sitting down to blog.

What's new? OK I finished school! Yippee!! The ending was a bit rocky. Essentially, the remaining two tests were ready but the MS study materials were not. ugh... what to do? Look for a job was the answer. So after a couple lame job fairs and meat market type contract job recruiters I found I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a tech job! I posted my resume and cover letter on the website and heard from lots of recruiters. I also found postings for jobs there that I applied to. It took me about 2 months to find a full-time position. Not bad!

I am ecstatic to announce I'm employed after a year sabbatical. I can't tell you how awesome that first paycheck was!! My job is a SQL database developer (IT) with Quellos Group. It is a financial company that specializes in fund of hedge funds. That's about all I know thus far and the fact that regular people like me are not the typical investor for these types of funds. Bummer.

Friday marked my first month there! It went well (I think) and I finally am starting to feel like I'm getting it. There are definitely still lots of times where I feel pretty dumb but I'm ok with that in trade for not being bored in 6 months.

I close this blog as well as the end of this career change chapter with the one liner I finally came up with for the question I'm often asked, "Why did you leave teaching?" It is, "Teaching is a labor of love, and I have commitment issues."