Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Humbled Chicago girl

We have been in Seattle for one and a half years. Whenever a chance of snow showed up on the forecast we would mock the Seattlites that would run for cover.

Tonight was one of those nights. It started snowing while I was tutoring up on a high hill plateau littered with subdivisions. Within one hour at least three inches came down and cars were backed up everywhere. I was driving my '99 front wheel drive Cougar.

I never thought I would say this...
I ended up abandoning my car at the top of the hill on Sahalee. It is the main hill down to the rest of Seattle suburbland. I was happy to reach that point and started to skid on the 1 mile long 10% grade. I threw in the towel and parked on the side of the road and walked down the hill towards the flatter main state highway.

I was on the phone with Chris and he came and picked me up along the road. (thankfully the other car has 4x4) I probably walked about 2 miles give or take. That road was not too bad compared with the icy hill. Glad to be home safe and sound. Not much worried about the car.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Adventures of 2006

Happy New Year! Many moons ago I saw my step-mom, Jeni, writing down the years events. Actually, what I saw were pictures she drew to retell the events. I remember it was a particularly bad year, 1982 I think. My Grandma died suddenly, Jeni's Mom's house burned down, and a teenage friend of the family was killed in a car accident. I was only 7 and can close my eyes and still see those pictures.

Fortunately, I do not think my family has had another year like that since. (knock on wood). Sadly, my husband's family has... this year. Chris' paternal Grandmother had knee replacement surgery and his sister-in-law had complete jaw replacement surgery! Both were successful operations phew. Late spring through late summer brought many tough phone calls and worry. Chris' Uncle had a heart attach and stroke. Chris' maternal grandma had a minor stroke. Finally, Chris' Aunt suffered a major stroke and is still recovering. boom boom boom. Naturally, his family is mine and it has been tough for us on many levels.

Living states away sucks. We love living in Seattle but hate being far from family. Especially during tough times. As I type I realize getting family photos of fun times is tough too. It is difficult to face the reality that loved ones will die. We went home for the holidays and definitely squeezed harder and held on longer to everyone we love.

In regard to the rest of 2006, we completed our first full year in Seattle. I ran a 10k and walked/ran a half marathon. I quit teaching and am in school to become a DBA. It is tons of fun but I am nervous about finding a job and where life will take me come mid-April when school ends.

This summer we spent three weeks teaching together. That proved to be a great test for having babies I thought. At first it was rocky but by the end of the first week it was a blast!

Following the three week teaching stint we went to Chicago for a weekend then off to Italy! It was a fabulous trip and I am surprised how much I miss being there. I love travelling with Chris and look forward to another trip. We are hoping to learn Spanish fairly well and go to Spain next.

We had tons of visitors. We ended 2005 with Chris parents in for a week. In January my dad and Jeni came out for them to experience what real rain is! In February my sis-in-law, Marcy, visited for my birthday. April brought my Dad and Jeni once more to snowshoe! May brought in Chris' friend Al. My Dad visited in Sept for his birthday and to calm my nerves before school started. In October my friend, Gina, visited - also to calm my nerves! My mom and dad came out for Thanksgiving which was so fun! Chris' brother, Matt treated us with a visit in December. We ended 2006 with our good friends Cara and Josh coming in from San Fran to ring in the New Year. It was a fabulous way to end the year.

I anticipate an amazing 2007. There will undoubtedly be bad days to help me appreciate the good days. I am fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life to keep me smiling and ready to take on the next challenge. (Yep, I'm getting sappier by the blog) Although I'd give anything to be 7 again and content to run around the house and play with my pandas I love where I am in life at age 31 and 11/12 and look forward to the next part of the ride.

I hope you enjoyed 2006 and wish you an adventurous 2007! Much love to you.