Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

10k, 1 yr, 90s!

This was a very busy and exciting anniversary weekend indeed!

Fri, we had Becky and friend Julie over for a going away dinner. Julie left today (Tuesday) for Guatemala for 2 months! She plans to take daily Spanish lessons and relax through Salsa and Yaga classes as well. Best wishes to her.

Sat, June 24th Becky, Chris, and I completed our first 10k race! It was a trail run and we all finished without needing medical help phew! I have been running off and on since I started teaching but not in races until this year. This is the first time I have felt a true desire to run.

Sun, June 25th was our first anniversary! Can't believe how fast the year went. Normally, Chris and I love dining out. One thing about Seattle is the dining scene isn't all that. Not to mention we are trying to pinch every penny we can and unfortunately seem to have the most expensive tastes. Instead of dealing with either guilt from spending too much $ or disappointment from going to a so-so place we hung out at home and made grilled Copper River Salmon. Did you know there are different types of salmon? News to me but it makes a big difference and this is the season. It was really yummy!

Sprinkled in during the days we took Abbey to the dog park on our continued quest to get her to learn and like to swim. We have the learn part accomplished and who knows if the liking part
will ever happen. Not up to us. We were definitely having way more fun than Abbey.

My dear friend Carolyn and her husband Steve recently bought the most gorgeous log cabin! We went to visit and took a tour. It is unbelievable! The story is pretty unusual... On the property is a double wide that the previous owners (retired couple) were living in since the 1980s. In about 2000 they started construction of the log home on their land and continued to live in the double wide. The wife passed away due to cancer and then the husband died of a heart attack within the year. The home was very close to completion but sadly isn't finished and the couple never were able to live in it. Carolyn and Steve will definitely have their work cuz out for them. It'll be totally worth it though. You should see the place! WOW! We offered our services to help them out. I think they'll do the previous owners proud.

Anyway, the weather. What's up with Chicago and Seattle switching weather patterns for a few days? We have had low 90s the past few days and I'm dying here! Today was only the mid 80s. Hopefully it won't be a prolonged heat wave. eeeeck.

see ya


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