Your Mom Called

Making the world a little smaller for family, friends and new friends along the way!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Confessions from a TV junkie

The good news: When I break down and seek therapy for my life-long addiction I won't mind the couch.

The bad news: This might be the next hot topic used by self-help book gurus to freak people out.

Chris and I both love TV. Friends and fam asked us how we accomplished planning a wedding and moving to Seattle within the same year. Simple. We stopped watching TV. It wasn't completely cold turkey though. We weaned ourselves off cable first to just network.

Back in college my roommates actually locked me out of Comedy Channel as a cruel joke. No Comedy Channel = funny. hmmm Englishy people what is this? Irony? Luckily there were 99 other channels to entertain me. One roommate told me a couple years later. I still have scars but I'm managing.

Necessary footnote - these are the some of the same roommates that love, yes love, the Weather Channel. Watched it night and day. Am I missing something? The Weather Channel is alright in a do your own make-up, Wayne's World gone informative kind of way. The thing is it's like CNN for weather, the forecast repeats every half hour. Oh the agony! The weather is predicted again and again uh for parts of the world you are NOWHERE near. Explain the appeal cuz I don't get it.

Anyway, I can top myself in college with the humility I experience reminiscing about grade school through well college when Dad would tease me about sitting rediculously close to the TV. Gee why do I need glasses? Why did I need to be right on top of the glass? This is all part of the therapy.

So fast-forward to now. Life is a little more laid back. Done with the wedding and moving. We can relax and chill in front of the boob tube again. Still no cable just network crap. Which brings me to the lowest of the low TV confessions. Chris is asleep so he can't stop me from admitting this to all that happen to actually read this. I have to confess, now that "The Deadliest Catch" season is over, lately the channel-surfing rests more and more on two reality shows that are not too surprisingly quite far from reality. The first one, not a big shock for me, "Hell's Kitchen." This a--hole chef ridicules wanna-be chefs for attempting to cook with the oven not turned on and asking him to gasp repeat an order! It's a train wreck. The second show you probably didn't even know was on the air, "So you think you can dance!" Uh huh that's right. Brought to us by the people that brought us American Idol! I can't help it. Probably some side of me that "Wishes I could dance."

Pretty sad but true.

Ok I heard that! I know I could shut the tv off. Yes it's true. I do have two perfectly good books that I am quite close to approaching being in the middle of. Why am I drawn to cheesy, down right lame shows? Noone will ever know. Nor do I care for that matter. What I do know is someday you may read this blog and learn that Chris and I are the next contestants on "The Amazing Race!" This is Chris' dream and my fear. It might be the final straw that leads me to prayer or more likely the couch.


Blogger Susan Sternberg said...

Lisa: You and Chris on "Amazing Race"?!? We'll be watching! We only watched the show once in order to root AGAINST Amber and Rob of "Survivor" (their 15 minutes of fame is sooo over!); they lost to a team from Houston. We're still big fans of "Survivor" (aka our family night) and "American Idol" and now have gotten hooked on "Lost."

Aunt Susan

4:01 PM  
Blogger Howie said...

Unlike J-Mo, I also watch a lot of cop dramas (L&O, CSI, Monk, Closer, Numb3rs, etc.

El Padre

1:50 PM  

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